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Resolution 937 and 14 th Anniversary Ceremonial Report




A Profound Method of Meditation

for Improving Health and Cultivating Virtue

As we enter the modern era of the 21st century, astounding achievements in science and technology have created many significant improvements globally. Nevertheless, one fundamental question still remains. Is it possible for human beings to experience true lasting happiness in life, or is life just an ocean full of suffering? For thousands of years, few renowned enlightened Masters have achieved their own awakening. With enormous effort and devotion they have helped small number of followers to achieve some of the same. However, these Sages have not presented or disseminated a Teaching of Truth that could establish a common spiritual denominator to eliminate all barriers of discrimination, bringing people together in one harmonious whole, regardless of the apparent differences in genders, social class, culture, religion or spiritual practices.

History has shown us that barriers of discrimination have resulted in countless crises, conflicts and wars. In the midst of this disconcerting state of the world, the two presidents of the Universal Human Body Energy (UHBE) discipline, Master Thuan Duc Nguyen and Master Ngoc Hai Nguyen have been blessed with the opportunity and responsibility of delivering the teachings of Dasira Narada to humankind. Master Thuan and Master Hai have been guiding practitioners towards spiritual cultivation, employing a unique method of meditation, called Vi Diệu Pháp Hành Thiền, or Divine Dharma Meditation. Master Thuan and Master Hai have helped develop many meditation centers around the world, for the purpose of teaching members to lead a virtuous lifestyle, practice selfless service and cultivate the virtue of moral harmony to gradually eliminate the hidden barriers of discrimination. As participants practice meditation to cleanse the body and mind, and devote themselves to the altruistic service of humanity, they gain many practical benefits for the development of their own self-awakening and mental clarity. They eventually come to understand the root causes of human suffering. In this process, students acquire the capacity to neutralize accumulated karmic debt and gain merit. In so doing, they are being given the opportunity to liberate themselves from adversity and hardships right in this present lifetime.

On May 29th 2010, the California State Legislature passed a Resolution, which is a highly distinguished recognition of UHBE’s altruistic service. This resolution acknowledged the invaluable contributions of UHBE discipline for the social improvement of physical health and the promotion of spiritual growth. On June 19th 2010, members of Canadian Federal Government and the Senate of Canada sent letters of congratulation to UHBE - Ottawa Meditation Center, recognizing its service and contribution to the well being of the general public as well.

The following are some highlights of the 14th Anniversary Celebration of Universal Human Body Energy in North America in the presence of representatives from the California State Governor & Legislative Office.

On May 29th 2010, at the Westminster Rode Center, in Westminster, California, members of the spiritual discipline of Universal Human Body Energy held a celebration for its 14th anniversary. With great enthusiasm, everyone welcomed all the guests and representatives from the government of the United States of America. Distinguished guests included the honorable Mr. Ronnie Guyer and Mr. Robert Khuu (California Legislative Committee), Mrs. Margie Rice (Mayor of Westminster City), Councilman Andy Quach, Assemblyman Mr. Van Thai Tran (California Legislature Assembly).

In attendance were journalists from the California press, local newspapers and television. There were 239 UHBE members from many countries: The United States of America, Canada, Spain, Australia, Taiwan, China, Cambodia, and Vietnam. The meeting was opened by the founders of UHBE discipline, Master Thuan Duc Nguyen and Master Ngoc Hai Nguyen.

The ceremony began with a moment of respect to the Founder Master Dasira Narada, followed by singing "UHBE Anthem". Mr. Hay Phu Pham expressed his warmest greetings and sincere thanks to all the guests, government officials, and members of UHBE. He summarized the purpose and principles of practice of UHBE, which are based on the teachings of the Founder Master Dasira Narada. He emphasized that the presidents of UHBE discipline, Master Thuan Duc Nguyen and Master Ngoc Hai Nguyen are the only true representatives of the Founder Master. For the past fourteen years, they have visited many countries to convey the teachings of Truth of Dasira Narada to the world. Their mission has been to shed a light in people hearts and minds to help them understand the conditions which create hardship and suffering for humankind. With proper training, once members truly understand the connection between a wrongful act and its miserable consequences, they have the opportunity to endeavour to follow the Founder Master’s teachings, devote themselves to spiritual cultivation, and to help their human fellows. As of today, there are 33 UHBE centers worldwide. Every day, thousands of UHBE members come to the local centers, on a volunteer basis. They help others, and encouraging each other to practice meditation and spiritual cultivation so that everyone can eliminate their own illness, improve physical health and develop clarity of mind. These members have been contributing an invaluable means towards building the foundation of altruistic love for our communities and society. Mr. Pham encouraged all members to follow the path of Master Thuan Duc Nguyen and Master Ngoc Hai Nguyen. He said, “Our beloved Masters have been devoting their entire lives to bring the quintessence of the Founder Master’s dharma to the world. This is a noble aspiration, a shining light, which guides each one of us on the path of spiritual cultivation and practice.”

In a serene and respectful atmosphere, Master Ngoc Hai Nguyen presented the teachings of the Founder Master Dasira Narada.

“The Founder Master teaches that all people in this world always wish for peace and happiness; however, not many of us are able to experience true peace and happiness. Why is this so? It is because in our recent or distant past we have planted the seeds of suffering. Now, we are facing the miserable consequences of our previous actions not only personally, but also globally. The practical spiritual science of Universal Human Body Energy was established to provide humankind with a profound method of achieving true peace and happiness. This is a noble path of selfless service to humankind with unconditional love for one another. He teaches that, in the secular world, everything is interrelated and closely intertwined. Therefore, when disciples really wish to have a peaceful and happy life, they must learn to live in harmony with all beings to feel and absorb the sacredness of Universal Love which exists in all beings.

The Founder Master urges everyone to abolish every trace of racial discrimination or religious intolerance from their minds. These unfair judgments and unreasonable attitudes make the world literally sick. Discrimination is a horrendous plague. It must be eradicated or else it will destroy the entire human race. This is because hatred, violence, and wars are rooted in this ignorance of prejudice. Only when such barriers of mental darkness are completely demolished, will there be harmony in the world, where people can really live in peace and safety. He teaches that all human beings are the manifestation of absolute Oneness and this Oneness is the Supreme Being. At the dawn of the appearance of the human form on earth, there was no distinction between races. There were no physical borders separating nations. There was no private ownership for any piece of land. It is because of endless greed and illusions of the mind that these horrific mindsets have been induced.

The Founder Master teaches that disciples must develop their meditation centers based on the foundation of moral harmony. In order to reach the state of moral harmony, disciples must first cultivate diligently to achieve transcendental wisdom. With this extraordinary mind, disciples will be able to see the Universe, human beings, and all creatures as an inseparable totality. In His poem, “The Truth,” The Founder Master said:

The heart that aspires to give general happiness to allThe mind that aims to build the world into a better place for everyone’s benefitThe mind that realizes all are oneThis is the heart and mind of the Saints, who naturally awaken to the Truth

Although the physical appearances of humankind differ from each other, the essence of their true inner being is manifested from the absolute Oneness. That Oneness is The Supreme Being. Any spiritual practitioner who lacks the wisdom to clearly understand this fact is using their ordinary mind to view him/herself as a separate entity, the ego. The ego is full of worldly desires, selfishness, and countless layers of mental darkness. It is this egoism that obstructs the connection between the individual and The Supreme Being. It causes conflict between human beings. It turns many individuals into heartless creatures who are unable to feel the vibration of love and unable to live in harmony with all beings.

Specifically to members of UHBE, the Founder Master teaches that, there are many types of people with different opinions in each center, the center’s leader, as a spiritual leader, must learn to harmonize and unify these differences to develop harmonious oneness. In order to fulfill this task, the leader of a center must have an objective mind to analyze matters thoroughly, to distinguish right from wrong, and to make appropriate decisions following the guidelines of UHBE. When a center’s leader lacks a clear conscious mind to judge a matter appropriately and does not understand the goal of UHBE, the center’s leader will take him/herself, and many others into wrong path, a path not planned by the Founder Master. In this way, the center’s leader will hinder the evolution of many people, including him/herself, and face the consequences according to the Law of Karma. The Founder Master especially emphasizes the absolute need for moral harmony. He teaches that UHBE disciples who wish to achieve moral harmony must possess the quality of equality, forgiveness, and a true love for humankind. This is the foundation for building a unified harmonious world.

After a wonderful slide show, displaying activities of all UHBE meditation centers around the world, Mr. Ronnie Guyer, representative for the California State Assembly, gave a speech of congratulation. With emotion and admiration, he congratulated the achievements of UHBE and its contributions to the state of California; he said: ”Today while watching and listening to the teachings of the Founder Master, I could not stop my own tears from coming out. The Founder Master has taught the Truth. Love is in us, and Love is the only Truth. Only when we truly open our arms for others, can we have positive transformation in our hearts. Indeed, when we make sacrifices for the happiness of others, we can truly understand what happiness is. I have experienced this in my life, and Assemblyman Van Tran has felt this in his. Happiness in life comes from the heart when we sacrifice for others. The greater the sacrifice, the more the happiness we have. When we realize that Love is the only truth, and that it is also the thing that creates us, we are willing to love more from the bottom of our heart. That is when we can get rid of the problems in our minds, get rid of what does not belong to us, because we are all created by Love. That’s what I have learnt today; and that's why, it's hard for me to speak, because of the tears in my eyes. The State of California praises you for what all of you have done for others. This is Robert Khuu, who is holding the Resolution of Recognition Award for Universal Human Body Energy of America.” He presented to Master Thuan Duc Nguyen, the Resolution of the State Government, recognizing the value of Universal Human Body Energy, amid resounding heartfelt applause of everyone in the hall.

The ceremony continued with the address of Master Thuan Duc Nguyen.

First, he extended his warmest greetings and sincere appreciation to the guests of honor, the Representatives from the California State Governors & Legislative Office, the Mayor of Westminster, and all members of UHBE. He then summarized the development of UHBE in North America. “UHBE was first established in Seattle Washington in 1996. After 14 years of practice based on the foundation of altruistic service to humanity, the discipline has grown steadily with worldwide expansion. At the present time, 33 UHBE meditation centers have been developed and licensed to operate, providing support to their respective communities in many countries around the world. They include 10 centers in the United States, 9 centers in Canada, 2 in Australia, 1 in Spain, 1 in Hong Kong of China, 2 in Malaysia, 1 in Taiwan, 5 in Vietnam and 2 centers in Cambodia.”

Next, he explained the origin of the discipline. “The principles and practice of the discipline of Universal Human Body Energy are based on the teachings of the Great Founder Master Dasira Narada. He is a Heavenly Messenger of the Supreme Being. He was the Founder of the teachings of Vi Diệu Pháp Hành Thiền. In English, this means Divine Dharma Meditation. The ultimate Goal of the Founder Master Dasira Narada is to help human beings eliminate hardships and suffering from their current circumstances, and to guide them to the Path of Liberation. We are blessed with the opportunity and responsibility of delivering His message, and to explain His profound teachings of Truth to humanity. Throughout the year, we ourselves, continue to meditate and contemplate in depth, while maintaining the authenticity of His philosophy and the integrity of the discipline. We have been dedicating our best efforts to convey the quintessence of His teachings to the world for the purpose of helping humankind evolve spiritually, so that all may come to the shore of liberation eventually. As one practices and follows the teachings of the Founder Master Dasira Narada, each will be rewarded with a peaceful life of spirituality and a better understanding about the reality of nature and the science of the Universe. We have a chance to learn about the Creator of our world and the evolutionary journey of all beings. From this we will be able to know the answers for many spiritual questions such as, where do we originate from? And what is the reason for us to be here on earth?

The Founder Master’s quintessential philosophy of wisdom has awakened many practitioners to see things as they truly are. We are able to understand these primordial questions: what is the root cause for human misery and suffering? What is the reason for hatred, war, and violence? And why do people behave wrongly or act immorally? This dharma of Truth teaches a preeminent method of meditation. His dharma also teaches us how to fulfill our aspiration to rediscover the true essence of our souls. We should lead a virtuous life and take altruistic Love for all fellow beings as the mainstay of living. He also teaches us to detach ourselves from greed and selfishness. He encourages us to devote ourselves to selfless service and to help others, building merit and virtue in order to neutralize our own negative karma. He teaches us to realize that holy messengers or spiritual leaders all have specific roles and responsibilities. Therefore, we must not discriminate against any religion, race, or culture. At the same time, we should try to adapt ourselves to current trends of modern civilization and development. He encourages us to practice moral harmony and loving kindness within our community. We should not let ourselves be controlled by selfish egoism or be held back by superstition or uncivilized rituals of practice. We strive to cultivate the spirit of liberation and raise ourselves beyond the ordinary. This is the inevitable process of evolution of humankind, the ultimate reality of nature, the immutable Truth of Heaven and Earth that no one can ever deny.

For the last 14th years we have been very fortunate to live in the United States of America, a land of great freedom and advanced technology, where all of its citizens enjoy the best opportunity to develop their abilities to the fullest. We have been working unceasingly, looking for every opportunity, devoting our lives to introducing the quintessence of spiritual cultivation throughout the United States and many other places in the world. It is sacred and amazingly wonderful to see that the discipline of Universal Human Body Energy has won enthusiastic support from so many cultures and countries worldwide. Practitioners have found the teachings of the Founder Master profoundly beneficial to their spirituality and physical being. This is such a blessing for the world. Imagine, if this flame of spiritual growth continues to expand in perpetuity, humankind will gradually evolve towards a genuinely spiritual lifestyle. People will realize that all human beings are the children of the Supreme Being. When we truly understand that we are brothers and sisters, we will no longer feel separated by the differences in culture, social class, race or religion… Instead, we will start to love and care for one another unconditionally. As a result, violence, hatred and wars will gradually cease to exist. Everyone will try their best to build merit, protecting the environment and serving humanity with compassion and devotion. The world will eventually enter a new era of true peace and happiness.”

The program continued with the speech of Mrs. Margie Rice, the Mayor of Westminster City, and Councilman Andy Quach. The Mayor said, “As I am listening to the Founder Master’s teachings today, I am touched; it’s wonderful. If we have everyone in the world, listen to these teachings and live by the teachings, there would never be wars. That is true, and we would have love instead. I myself have tried to live by these teachings. I have always made my life open and try to honor all people and all religions.” She also encouraged all UHBE members to continue to cultivate diligently, following the teachings of the Founder Master, and to continue to provide their invaluable support to the community. Finally, she presented to the Orange County UHBE Meditation Center a Certificate of Appreciation Award, which recognizes and honors its altruistic activities and service to the community of Orange County.

After a short break, during which members of the Toronto and Mississauga UHBE meditation centers sang the song “The Founder Master is Here”, Dr. Lisa Cross (M.D. - F.C.F.P), an UHBE member from Ottawa-Canada, shared her personal experience about UHBE discipline.

Dr. Cross said, “UHBE is special and unique because the teachings the Founder Master Dasira Narada are so profoundly comprehensive and innovative. UHBE includes a sophisticated system of energy techniques for treating and removing illness, as well as enhancing and maintaining physical health even while we are aging and being challenged by the wear and tear of our daily busy lives. The techniques of this system are completely innovative. I have never seen or learned anything like this in my 23 years as a Medical Doctor, nor have I seen anything of this caliber in my years of studying ancient systems of healing or new systems of energy medicine. What makes UHBE so exciting and fascinating is that the teachings enable us to go to the deepest roots of illness, which is where the deepest source of healing is to be found. The results are astonishing, powerful and remarkable.”

Dr. Cross continued, “The most important and unique dimension of UHBE lies in the contribution it makes in assisting each of us in our spiritual health and well being. Altruistic love and service to humanity is the foundation and mainstay of spiritual cultivation. However, UHBE members do not attempt to develop themselves spiritually isolated from the rest of society. We remain fully engaged as active participating citizens contributing to our local, national and global community.” She insisted, “Our teachers Master Thuan and Co Hai are the only true representatives of the Founder Master. As lineage teachers, Master Thuan and Co Hai explain and expound the many layers of spiritual meaning of the Founder Master’s Dharma. They do this work in the most completely virtuous way. I am, like all of you, honoured to be their student. They themselves set the highest example to us all in their constant sacrifices of time, energy and resources to attend to each of us as their students and to attend to the growth and development of the UHBE meditation centers.”

Dr. Cross advised other members, “The greatest respect and appreciation we can show Master Thuan and Co Hai is to continue our personal spiritual cultivation, working together in moral harmony, as we develop the infrastructure of support for Dasira Narada’s teachings. The future is bright and there is a lot of work to do”. She also proposed a number of practical plans to build and maintain the development of the discipline. She continued: “As we ascend spiritually, we hope that in the long future ahead that we remain focused on the positive transformation that must come first from within ourselves. Then only will the work that we do to facilitate the propagation of our Founder Masters unique and sacred teachings to eventually transform our world into a place of peace.”

Dr. Comlan Amouzou from Montreal - Canada, also gave an enthusiastic speech, describing his view and personal experience with UHBE.

“I joined UHBE discipline because it is not a sect or a religion. UHBE is open to all continents, all cultures, all human races and all beliefs. Christian, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, Hindus are welcome. As a physician, the teachings of UHBE give me a new perspective to approach illness and death. After Level 2, I have really started to experience this meditation. I’m fascinated to use UHBE method to treat myself by meditating and to treat others. Early on, the scientist in me had comprehended the meaning if this meditation technique and measured the positive impact of it. I have used and continue to use the UHBE technique to help people in my everyday practice. Vertigo, chest pain, asthma, high blood pressure, allergies, abdominal pain, sprains, hemorrhages… I have applied the technique of UHBE in every sort of situation…”

Dr. Amouzou expressed his admiration to the Founder Master for giving humankind a new vision: A world of true peace, harmony, wisdom and freedom. He also suggested various approaches in building a solid infrastructure with global communication and management to support the future development of UHBE to make the vision of the Founder Master Dasira Narada a reality. Finally, Dr. Amouzou thanked Master Thuan Duc Nguyen and Master Ngoc Hai Nguyen for bringing the light of the Founder Master’s spiritual teachings to the world.

Next, everyone welcomed Assemblyman Van Thai Tran to the podium with a big round of applause. Mr. Tran is currently serving as a member of the California State Assembly, representing the area of Sacramento, Orange County. First, he expressed his respect for the altruistic service of UHBE. He stated that UHBE has brought many practical benefits to the community in the area of improving physical health as well as building a strong spiritual mind. He said: “My congratulations to all the good work you have done, wishing that your organization continues to grow. I send a message of peace and joy to everyone.” Mr. Tran also briefly talked about the current health care and economic crises in America. He emphasized that the government of the United States always has great concern for its Health Care Reform. In reality, UHBE has provided the best solution for health care reform, right from the foundation, because the practice of UHBE helps individuals to develop a healthy body and a strong spiritual mind.

The program continued with interesting and inspiring speech from Mr. Yun Bunkorn of the Montreal UHBE Center as follows, "I learned about UHBE in April 2007 in Ottawa. It is about 200 km (120 miles) from the city of Montreal where I live. Our group was about 40 people. Each person had a number of different health problems. Every day we had to drive 2 hours to the class, and again about 2 hours back home. Every day when we got home, sometimes it was well past midnight. One thing that surprised us was that when we woke up in the morning, we did not feel tired at all, even though we went to bed very late. After the class, we decided to open an UHBE center in Montreal. Then we organized the first class in May 2007 with nearly 200 participants." Mr. Bunkorn went back to his homeland in Cambodia to organize two meditation courses, one in February 2008 and one in May 2008, each course also had about 200 students attending. He said, "A miracle happened to a woman who had been totally disabled for more than ten years after a motorcycle accident. Amazingly, on the 6th day of the class she could stand up by herself from her wheel chair, and walked to the front desk. Since then, she has continued to walk normally." He continued," On behalf of the Cambodian people, I thank Master Thuan, Master Hai and all the volunteers from different centers around the world. So many UHBE members have spent time, effort, and resources to help my people."

The celebration ended with the closing address of Mr. Khuu Thai, a member of Orange County Meditation Center. He expressed his gratitude to the two presidents of UHBE, all distinguished guests, Mr. Ronnie Guyer, Mr. Andy Quach, the Mayor Margie Rice, the media, the host speaker Ms. Phuong Thao, UHBE instructors, UHBE center directors, and all members of UHBE . He expressed his appreciation for the support and participation of members from all around the world. He indicated that everyone was continuing to do their best to serve their communities with the altruistic compassion encouraged by the Founder Master’s teachings. The speech was completed with the following concluding remark, “The 14th anniversary celebration has made an important historical milestone. In the coming years, the discipline of UHBE of the Founder Master Dasira Narada under the guidance of Masters Thuan Duc Nguyen and Ngoc Hai Nguyen, signifies the beginning of new era for humanity, whereby everyone in the world can develop a true vision about the purpose and hope for human life on earth.”

The celebration ended successfully and happily. A photograph of the Masters and all attending UHBE members was taken to commemorate this memorable and wonderful event.


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