When I came to UHBE I brought with me my Christian Spirituality, as taught to me from an early age. As I got older I started to ask question about what I had been taught. Sometimes my parent s would answer these the best way they could.
Other time I would get into trouble for asking. Telling me that I would understand better when I was older. As I got older even more questions would come up and still the answers just where not there.
Years later, my wife Sau was introduced me to UHBE by a friend. She started going to the Center and later started taking classes. Noticing the positive changes in her and how much she loved going to the Meditation Center. She wanted me to go and take the classes. For about two years I went with her time to time, but didn't take the classes. Finally after two years. I decided to take level the 1&2 class. When the class started I decide to keep an open mind. After about 3 days I started getting answers to some of these questions that I had for years.
Also the meditation was great, something that I had wanted to do for years. Progressing through Level 3 class everything just kept getting better. And just before Level 4 class started I was certain that this was the correct path to follow. The Level 5 Class was very difficult, but greater understanding of the Founder Masters Teachings was very much enhanced, along with positive changes in my life.
Being selected to attend the Level 6 class was an honor for me. An equal honor was attending with all the other members from not only the Seattle Center but all the members from Centers all over the world.
The teachings by master Thuan and Master Hai were presented with a great deal of love. The detailed manner in which the teachings were presented lead to a greater understanding. I'm sure that further study by me will lead even more understanding. Just as important as studying The Founder Master Teachings is putting them into my daily life will be required.
I wish to thank The Founder Master for giving me such great gifts. Also to Master Thuan and Master Hai for working so hard in presenting the Level 6 class. You and all have made this a mach valued experience to me.
Love to all
David Bogu