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Jesse Veness's Testimonial


In January of 2008, I was suffered a massive stroke. At the time one of the doctors said that I wouldn't walk or talk again. I lost quite a bit of function, I was completely paralyzed on the right hand side of my body. I couldn't talk, read or spell, and my vision wasn't quite right. I suffered many other set backs, but these were the biggest. Through diligent and hard work I managed to take steps to slowly getting better in all of these areas. In May I was released from the hospital while I still could not do very much, so I was open to all areas that could possibly improve my situation. In June, I was told about the UHBE center and decided to go and see if they could help me. After my first visit to the center, I was convinced i needed to go there as often as I could. I thought that it could be very beneficial for me. They didn't ask for any money, and I could tell that they were genuinely concerned about my condition and wanted me to get better. I generally went about four times a week all that summer, in which time I saw significant improvement.

In October I decided to take the class so I too could become a UHBE disciple, and help myself through meditation as well as help others in the same way so many others had helped me. It has been pretty close to three years since I joined. I think that was one of the things that helped me recover the most. I have exercised diligently, and know that it has also contributed to my rehabilitation. I've learned to read and write, and continue to practice. I feel that the meditation has helped me the most out of all rehab. I continue to go the UHBE center to help and be helped. I have seen many people get better, some who stay and become members, and some that do not. Today everything revolves around money, but the people at the UHBE center never ask for money from the people who they help, they do it out of the goodness of their heart. The members contribute what they can to keep the center open. The UHBE is accepting of anyone who wants to learn and anyone who wants to help. They are good-hearted and selfless people.


Jesse Veness

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