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Hong Mai's Testimonial, Mississauga


Do we ever wonder why we need to study UHBE, why we need to cultivate ourselves, why we need to go to the meditation center?

Did we start to go to UHBE in order to cure the sickness of our bodies, and then the sickness of our mind?

Our master Nguyen Duc Thuan and Nguyen Ngoc Hai have taught that the sickness in our bodies mostly come from our mind. The sickness is also the bad karma. Bad karma only can be eliminated by the good deeds.

So how do we make the good deeds?

The grand master Dasira Narada have given us the supernatural power through our hands to heal the sickness of others. By that action, we also can build the good deeds in order to eliminate the bad karma that we have got from several years, several lives in our past. By healing people, we also can develop our compassionate heart (tu bi) which would help us on the cultivating path. We should study more carefully about our dharma method. Try to get rid of the selfishness, try not to pay attention on other’s mistakes, problems. If we come to the meditation center and help healing people with the heart full of greed, pride and selfness, our works in meditation still will not help to make the good deeds for ourselves. This is the problem of most of the new disciples. They don’t want to give up their selfness and get stuck in the back of the cultivating path by this mistake.

Grand Master Dasira Narada have taught us that we always have to control ourselves. In meditation, we should try to check for our actions, our words, our behaviors if we ever do or say anything wrong to others? If we ever hurt somebody’s feelings? If we ever do something or say something by compassionate heart or by the selfishness.

If we can realize about our own defects and are willing to correct ourselves, we can control our selfness.

When our mental perception (tam thuc) have changed to a better level, we can have the Wisdom to know the right from wrong. After that, there is nothing can affect our belief.

We should be united with the strong belief in our Grand Master’s dharma method. We should be absolutely faithful to our Masters Nguyen Duc Thuan and Nguyen Ngoc Hai. We should realize that we are very lucky to learn and understand a great dharma method. We should share our knowledge to others to guide them to the right path because everyone might understand the dharma method by difference conception due to his own perception and his own karma.

We have expanded the normal love which is only for our own family to the great love for everyone in the world. Therefore the meditation center is a place where we can give out our great love to everyone by healing the sickness of people. Meditation center is also where we can correct and perfect ourselves in order to serve human beings. We should keep the meditation center as a home of love and harmony. We should forgive and indulge other’s mistakes or problems. As long as our minds and our hearts are in the level of emancipation, we can be in the same synchronization of the vibration of sacred heart of our Grand Master, by that, we can receive his support supernatural energy. His Light of Truth will guide us. We should try by all efforts to keep our dharma method and share it with others because we are all brothers and sisters to one another.

For myself experience, I have changed a lot, I feel more meaning in my life. I have helped a lot of people. My mind becomes more peaceful. I don’t get influence by the normal materialistic life anymore.

From now on, I have a new spiritual path to go back to my original form.

Grand Master had waken me up, showed me where to go, told me who I was, where I came from, why I came here. Our Master Nguyen Duc Thuan and Nguyen Ngoc Hai have taught me a lot; have planted the bodhisattva seed in my heart and my mind. UHBE have saved my soul. I won’t be in the Dark Ignorance status anymore, I feel blessed by the sacred energy of Grand Master, by the teachings of our Masters and by good vibration environment created by all of our disciple friends.


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