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Chánh Ông, My Thought of Instructor Assistant Level 1-2 Class


When I was selected to attend this Instructor Assistant Level 1-2 class I did not know what to expect and thankful that I was picked to attend given my many lacking.

During the class, I have learned much new information, the expectation and had my chakras certified for this level.

The food was wonderful! The classmates are delightful and it was a very good experience to be able to meet many other fellows around the world and learn about their experience and their Meditation Center and able to establish first-hand rapport with fellow meditation members.

It is also wonderful to see many fellow members are moving up and eagerly to step up to the plate to perform as Instructor Assistant.

After this class, besides the new information that I have learned, this experience opened my eyes to new opportunities to learn newer experience, but at the same time it makes me wonder more questions such as:

Will I be able to learn what need to learn to perform well at this level?

Will I be able to live up to the expectation of Instructor Assistant?

What are there to learn and for me to discover?

I hope I will be able to learn and to contribute to the cause and help to spread this teaching to more people and give them an opportunity to learn and heal themselves like I did.

Thank you, Grand Master Dasira Narada who created this teaching and thanks to both Master Nguyen Duc Thuan and Master Nguyen Ngoc Hai who established Divine Dharma Meditation and opened a new door for me to learn the new level of this teaching.

Chanh Ong,

Instructor Assistant Level 1-2

Seattle Meditation Center



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