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Approval to Form a DDM Australia Headquarters

Approval to form a DDM Australia Headquarters

With a purpose to grow and convey the DDM teachings, we have agreed to let disciples in Australia to form Australia Headquarters at the address below:
No. 3 Holmes Road Minto,
NSW 2566 Australia

We have approved the following matters which were suggested by the centers’ members:

1/ Monthly activities schedule: Last Sunday of the month, from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM, opening for members from all Australia Meditation centers.

2/ Two Classes of Level 3 will be opened at Australia Headquarters each year.

This is the beginning that will lead to future growth of DDM teachings in Australia. We wish disciples in Australia a successful task and to build virtue on their paths of cultivation.

DDM Anaheim Headquarters, USA, October 31st, 2022
DDM Founder Masters
Nguyen Duc Thuan, Nguyen Ngoc Hai
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